Author Index





















































Aarås, Arne
Can visual discomfort influence on muscle pain and muscle load for visual display unit (VDU) workers?
Abbah, Effiem
Impact of hand or wrist pain on work function among workers performing hand intensive work
Abdoli, Mohammad
Performance difference during s fatiguing task when wearing a lift assistive device
Children's postural habits while working at computer workstations
Aceves Gonzalez, Carlos
Ergonomic workplace evaluation in the mechanical metalworking industry
Ergonomic evaluation of physical risks in Mexican workplaces
Adams, Kathryn
Musculoskeletal symptoms and risk factors in operators of heavy mobile equipment
Adamu, Mohammed
Extended work hours and musculoskeletal disorders among health care workers: a case-control study
Aerni, Thomas
Biofeedback and workplace intervention in cases suffering from neck or shoulder pain working at computers
Agnew, Michael
Functional data analysis demonstrates variance in cumulative joint load over time
Performance difference during s fatiguing task when wearing a lift assistive device
Ahmad, Saman
Effects of vibration and feed force on operators performing horizontal drilling task
Åkesson, Ingrid
Physical workload on wrist and forearm in various types of work
Albert, Wayne
Effect of motion induced interruptions upon the performance of lifting tasks in motion-rich environments
Effects of ship motion on trunk kinematics during various manual material handling tasks
Occurrence of motion induced interruptions while performing common manual materials handling tasks
Alderling, Magnus
Target groups for prevention of neck/shoulder and low back disorders: an exploratory cluster analysis of working and living conditions
Alem, Michele
Effect of occupational activities on symptoms and work ability in workers returning from long sick-leaves
Alexander, B.
Large machinery and tractor-related musculoskeletal injuries on midwestern agricultural operations
Alexandre, NMC
Development of a Brazilian Portuguese version of the work rolefunctioning questionnaire. Cross-cultural adaptation reliability and validity
Quality of life: cultural adaptation of the Spitzer quality of life index
Alfredsson, L.
The influence of work-related exposures on the prognosis of neck/shoulder pain
Alipour, Akbar
Cigarette smoking and low back pain
Al-Lozi, Muhammad
Median and ulnar nerve conduction studies at the wrist: comparison of automated and traditional methods
Alway, Stephen
Repetitive exposures of stretch-shortening cycles affects muscle performance differentially with age
Amick, Ben
A field intervention replication of a non-randomized trial to reduce musculoskeletal symptoms
A validation study of self-report symptoms surveys compared with clinical classification systems
Systematic review of interventions to reduce musculoskeletal disorders in the health care sector
The importance of including visual symptoms in computing-related upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms interventions and research
Development of a Brazilian Portuguese version of the work rolefunctioning questionnaire. Cross-cultural adaptation reliability and validity
Andersen, Johan
Computer mouse use predicts acute pain but not prolonged or chronic pain in the neck and shoulder
Risk factors for pain related and general absence taking in industry and service sector work
Andersen, Lars L.
Effects on musculoskeletal health and capacity of a one year physical activity intervention among office workers
A randomized controlled workplace intervention trial to relieve and prevent neck/shoulder disorders: significance of compliance and muscle strength
Muscle tissue composition and muscle thickness in subjects with trapezius myalgia compared to healthy controls and the effect of training
Physical training in rehabilitation on trapezius myalgia among office workers: effects on pain perception and shoulder function
Anema, Johannes
Cost-effectiveness of physical training for self-employed persons with musculoskeletal disorders: preliminary results
Development of a workplace intervention for employees sick-listed with stress-related mental disorders: intervention mapping as a useful tool
Multidisciplinary outpatient care for low back pain: a randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness evaluation
An exploratory subgroup analysis in a randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of workplace interventions in low back pain patients on sick leave
Communication between health care providers and return-to-work
Cost-effectiveness of return-to-work interventions for low back pain results of three Dutch randomised controlled trials
Antle, David
A participatory ergonomics approach to knowledge transfer in an industrial setting: case study of a poultry processing plant
Effect of foot-movement strategies on torso kinematics during simulated load manipulation trials
Effects of ship motion on trunk kinematics during various manual material handling tasks
Occurrence of motion induced interruptions while performing common manual materials handling tasks
Anton, D.
Design of Iowa study/design of Connecticut study
Prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome among experienced construction workers in the pipe trades
The effect of lift origin height on lumbar kinematics among masons
Antonio, Remi
A.O.R. Versus M.O.R.: an index to assess risks and establish limits of tolerance in repetitive and cyclic activities
Antonsson, Ann-Beth
Musculoskeletal disorders in cleaning - 17 cleaners' views on own musculoskeletal injury claims
Aptel, Michel
The adaptation of VIDAR to French users, more than just a translation
Aranguren, Ainhoa
Evaluation of and preventive actions for the psychosocial factors in a public kindergarten and primary school
Arellano Fernández, Bárbara
Evaluation of and preventive actions for the psychosocial factors in a public kindergarten and primary school
Arici, Cecilia
Low back pain and disability in a population of nurses and nursing aides performing handling of patients
Armstrong, Theodore
Median and ulnar nerve conduction studies at the wrist: comparison of automated and traditional methods
Risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome in a population of newly hired workers: a cross-sectional analysis
Armstrong, Thomas
Assessment of the risk of MSDs using time-based video analysis
Occupational and personal factors for carpal tunnel syndrome: a longitudinal study of a large working population
Parallax effects on estimating wrist posture: what are we really seeing?
Arruda, André
Development of new equipments to measure isometric wrist and forearm strength
Arvidsson, Inger
Physical workload on wrist and forearm in various types of work
Asjad, Mohammad
A comparison between discriminant analysis and artificial neural network techniques for lift index classification
Asselin, Paul
Who is at risk of MSD? A gender-based analysis of Quebec compensation cases in 2000-2002
Åström , Charlotte
Trapezius fatigue and exposure to vibration
Aublet-Cuvelier, Agnes
A study on the dynamic pattern of upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders methodological aspects
The adaptation of VIDAR to French users, more than just a translation
Avila-Chaurand, Rosalio
Ergonomic workplace evaluation in the mechanical metalworking industry
Ergonomic evaluation of physical risks in Mexican workplaces
Aylward, Mansel
Challenging the path to economic inactivity: shifting attitudes to health and work
Babel, Fred
Back-protective patient transfer (BPPT) - good practice of successful implementation of an ergonomics-based patient handling program
Bach, Joel
Wrist posture influences carpal tunnel pressure during keyboard use
Baker, Brent
Repetitive exposures of stretch-shortening cycles affects muscle performance differentially with age
Baldasseroni, A.
Marital status and in-hospital incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome in the general population
Balogh, Istvan
Physical workload on wrist and forearm in various types of work
Baltov, Petko
Effects of an intensive multimodal rehabilitation and work retraining program on psychosocial and postural characteristics of persons with whiplash-associated disorders
Banks, Jacob
Effects of a repetitive moderately forceful pinching task on sensory nerve conduction velocity: a primate model of carpal tunnel syndrome
Bao, S.
Work related lateral epicondylitis: quantitative exposure-response relations with force and posture
Design of Washington State study/design of Utah/Wisconsin study
Consequences of different methods used for the strain index parameters
Job strain and incidence of shoulder symptoms among service and manufacturing employees in Washington state
Upper extremity disorders in health care and manufacturing industries: differences between men and women
Work-related rotator cuff and carpal tunnel syndromes: quantitative exposure-response relationships
Barbe, Mary
Behavioral declines and tissue pathophysiology in a rat model of WMSD respond to anti-inflammatory and ergonomic interventions
Decreased adaptive and inflammatory responses as a consequence of aging contribute to injury and sickness response in a rat model of WMSD
Baril, Raymond
Concept of leeway in work rehabilitation
Pain: one word with many meanings for workers during work rehabilitation
Practical usage of ergonomic tools and methods during the rehabilitation of workers with low back disability
Baril-Gingras, Geneviève
Analysis of the socio-organizational aspects of an intervention: tools for process evaluation studies
Barindelli, Guido
Non-specific LBP movement impairment syndromes classification
Barr, Ann
Behavioral declines and tissue pathophysiology in a rat model of WMSD respond to anti-inflammatory and ergonomic interventions
Decreased adaptive and inflammatory responses as a consequence of aging contribute to injury and sickness response in a rat model of WMSD
Barrero, Lope
Work-related sources of bias in self-reported task durations
Bartelds, Geertje
Cost-effectiveness of TNF inhibitors on work ability quality of life and fatigue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Basset, F.
A comparison of the oxygen cost in three standardized pulling tasks
Bazzani, L.
A field intervention replication of a non-randomized trial to reduce musculoskeletal symptoms
The importance of including visual symptoms in computing-related upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms interventions and research
Behrendt, Sylvia
Guide for risk assessment in repetitive handling tasks - substantiation of hypotheses and development of a practice-based approach
Bellemare , Marie
Analysis of the socio-organizational aspects of an intervention: tools for process evaluation studies
Belvedere, Claudio
Comparison of current and novel techniques for trunk motion in gait analysis
Bena, A.
Marital status and in-hospital incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome in the general population
Benedetti, Maria Grazie
Comparison of current and novel techniques for trunk motion in gait analysis
Bernaards, Claire
The effectiveness of a work style intervention and a lifestyle physical activity intervention on the recovery from neck and upper limb symptoms in computer workers
Bertoncello, Dernival
Development of new equipments to measure isometric wrist and forearm strength
Binh, T.T.
Surveillance of overexertion injuries due to work in the fields of Vietnam - the effect of exposure time on incidence rate calculations
Bitsios, Panagiotis
Prevalence and risk factors for low-back pain and other musculoskeletal symptoms in three occupational groups in Crete Greece
Björklund, Martin
Acuity of goal-directed reaching movements to visible targets in chronic neck disorders
Blagojevic, Milisa
Individual and area level factors associated with work limitation in adults aged 50 to 75 with knee pain
Blangsted, Anne-Katrine
Effects on musculoskeletal health and capacity of a one year physical activity intervention among office workers
A randomized controlled workplace intervention trial to relieve and prevent neck/shoulder disorders: significance of compliance and muscle strength
The influence of biofeedback training sessions on trapezius muscle activity during normal computer work task
Blatter, Birgitte
Does musculoskeletal discomfort at work predict future musculoskeletal symptoms?
Can the RSI quickscan validly predict the development of upper extremity symptoms?
Cost-effectiveness of physical training for self-employed persons with musculoskeletal disorders: preliminary results
Development of a RSI risk evaluation tool for computer users
Differential effects of self-reported duration of computer use at work on work-related musculoskeletal symptoms. Results from the promo study
Effectiveness of the 'RSI quickscan': a preventive program on neck and upper limb symptoms for office workers
The relationship between job engagement and work-related musculoskeletal complaints - a longitudinal study
Bloswick, D
Individual factors associated with prevalence of low back pain
Design of Washington State study/design of Utah/Wisconsin study
Boden, Leslie
Social and economic costs to workers with musculoskeletal disorders
Social and economic impact of musculoskeletal disorders among construction roofers
Bolm-Audorff, Ulrich
Physical workload and lumbar spine disease - a multi-center case-control study in Germany (epilift)
Bonauto, D.
Design of Washington State study/design of Utah/Wisconsin study
Upper extremity disorders in health care and manufacturing industries: differences between men and women
Work-related rotator cuff and carpal tunnel syndromes: quantitative exposure-response relationships
Work related lateral epicondylitis: quantitative exposure-response relations with force and posture
Bonde, Jens Peter
Prevalence of clinical findings and contemporary radiological features of knee osteoarthritis among floor layers and graphic designers
Bonfiglioli, R.
Occupational and personal factors for carpal tunnel syndrome: a longitudinal study of a large working population
Bongers, Paulien
Does musculoskeletal discomfort at work predict future musculoskeletal symptoms?
An exploratory subgroup analysis in a randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of workplace interventions in low back pain patients on sick leave
Can the RSI quickscan validly predict the development of upper extremity symptoms?
Cost-effectiveness of physical training for self-employed persons with musculoskeletal disorders: preliminary results
Differential effects of self-reported duration of computer use at work on work-related musculoskeletal symptoms. Results from the promo study
Effectiveness of the 'RSI quickscan': a preventive program on neck and upper limb symptoms for office workers
Equal task, equal exposure? Are men and women with the same tasks equally exposed to awkward working postures?
The relationship between job engagement and work-related musculoskeletal complaints - a longitudinal study
Boocock, Mark
Changes in EMG activity of upper trapezius and erector spinae muscles following variations in workstation design
The effects of varying workstation design on changes in posture and spinal loading
Borghesi, Stefano
Upper limb work-related disorders: description of an Italian hospital-based case study
A survey on musculoskeletal disorders in physiotherapists
Bornstein, Stephen
A participatory ergonomics approach to knowledge transfer in an industrial setting: case study of a poultry processing plant
Bosch, Tim
Development of muscle fatigue in the trapezius muscle during prolonged light manual assembly work
Bouillon, Bertil
Individual and occupational risk factors for knee osteoarthritis - study protocol of a case control study
Boyaca, JC
Analysis and measurement of forces and torques associated with manual valve handling in a process industry
Boyer, Jon
Changes in manual handling across job titles before and after the introduction of a no-lift program in nursing homes
Development of an ergonomic job exposure matrix (JEM) for the healthcare sector
Braga, Valentina
A survey on musculoskeletal disorders in physiotherapists
Brammer, A.J.
Design of Iowa study/design of Connecticut study
Bregunci, Shirley
Ergonomic screening questionnaire: its value as a proactive tool in the research of ergonomic risk
Breslin, Curtis
The influence of work stressors and educational attainment on trajectories of activity limitation and depression: a longitudinal analysis of Canadian workers
Brewer, Shelley
Systematic review of interventions to reduce musculoskeletal disorders in the health care sector
Broneé, Lars
Tissue oxygenation and hemoglobin kinetics among healthy subjects and computer users with work related shoulder/neck pain
Bruinvels, David
Predictive factors for pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain after childbirth among working women
Brunette, Maria
Gender differences in self-reported musculoskeletal pain stress health and satisfaction among blue-collar workers in Peru
Buchanan, Susan
Race/ethnicity- and gender-based disparities in injury rates among U.S. hotel workers
Buchholz, Bryan
Agreement between subjective ratings and direct measures of ergonomic exposure
Effects of work surface heights on shoulder muscle activity and neck posture during simulated pipette work
Examination of muscle fatigue during a simulated workday of drywall installation
Sources of variance in risk factors for knee injury in construction
Buckle, Peter
Coping with musculoskeletal pain at work
The effects of musculoskeletal pain on work performance
Buckley, Paul
Effects of a media campaign on back pain beliefs amongst employers and employees in England and Wales
Buford, John
Effects of a repetitive moderately forceful pinching task on sensory nerve conduction velocity: a primate model of carpal tunnel syndrome
Buijs, P.
Multidisciplinary outpatient care for low back pain: a randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness evaluation
Communication between health care providers and return-to-work
Burdorf, A.
The cost and benefits of mechanized equipment on physical load among road workers and floor layers in the construction industry
Effects of variation in exposure to physical load on effectiveness of ergonomic interventions in the construction industry: a sensitivity analysis
Equal task, equal exposure? Are men and women with the same tasks equally exposed to awkward working postures?
Burgess-Limerick, Robin
Posture during tablet computer use by young children
Burr, Deborah
Low back pain recurrence in occupational environments
Trunk velocity predicts recurrent low back disorders
Burström, Lage
Longitudinal survey in Sweden of whole-body vibration exposed workers
Musculoskeletal disorders and hand arm vibration - a 10 year follow up
Trapezius fatigue and exposure to vibration
Burt, S.
Exposure assessment across studies: challenges and opportunities
Health outcomes assessment across studies: challenges and opportunities
Overview of consortium/design of NIOSH study
Caci, Margherita
Low back pain and disability in a population of nurses and nursing aides performing handling of patients
Cadieux, Geneviève
Pain: one word with many meanings for workers during work rehabilitation
Caffier, Gustav
Back-protective patient transfer (BPPT) - good practice of successful implementation of an ergonomics-based patient handling program
Guide for risk assessment in repetitive handling tasks - substantiation of hypotheses and development of a practice-based approach
Calder, Kristina
Motor unit potential morphology and firing rate changes in patients with repetitive strain injury of the wrist extensor muscles
Surface electromyographic evidence of differences in muscle activation and morphology associated with repetitive strain injuries of the wrist extensors
Caljouw, Simone
Improved performance with a computer mouse with a continuous resistance
Cameron , Ian
Physiotherapy assessment of work capacity and return to work needs in people with chronic back pain increases time away from work and claim cost
Campagna, Marcello
Low back pain and disability in a population of nurses and nursing aides performing handling of patients
Campo, G.
Marital status and in-hospital incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome in the general population
Canjuga, Mirjana
Implementing an interdisciplinary intervention strategy for employees with back-/neck pain
Caputo, Patrizia
Risk factors for upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms in call center employees
Cardoso , Otacílio
Ergonomic screening questionnaire: its value as a proactive tool in the research of ergonomic risk
Carnide, Fatima
Estimation of the acquisition time for obtaining the profile of muscular load using the APDF function
Caroly, S
Ergonomics and epidemiology intervention and evaluation: how do the perspectives differ?
Assessment of the interventions on sustainable prevention of musculoskeletal disorders: comparison of twenty companies
Gender differences and intervention to prevent work-related MSD
Caroom, Cyrus
A validation study of self-report symptoms surveys compared with clinical classification systems
Carta, Angela
A survey on musculoskeletal disorders in physiotherapists
Low back pain and disability in a population of nurses and nursing aides performing handling of patients
Upper limb work-related disorders: description of an Italian hospital-based case study
Catarina, Aline
Does the production of Lautrec's pink garlic (France) generate repetitive strain injuries?
Caudillo-Cisneros, Cipriana
Musculoskeletal alterations and complaints in tannery workers
Cerri, Cesare
Non-specific LBP movement impairment syndromes classification
Cesana, Gian Carlo
Non-specific LBP movement impairment syndromes classification
Cescon, Corrado
A new method to estimate myoelectric manifestation of muscle fatigue
Chaikumarn, M.
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders among Thai accountants
Chan, C.
An investigation of the framing effect of prospect theory on the decision-making process of injured workers about returning to work
Chan, K.
A predictive model for work disability among aircraft cabin cleaners: A retrospective analysis of occupational injuries
Chang, Anna
Systematic review of interventions to reduce musculoskeletal disorders in the health care sector
Chang, Che-Hsu
How fast does a computer monitoring program need to run to accurately capture keystroke durations?
Finding the inactivity threshold to accurately estimate computer use time with software
Charpentier, Karine
The effect of an ergonomic desk attachment board on muscle activity and computer work-related discomfort
Chastang, Jean François
Do workers with symptoms have an elevated risk to develop upper extremity work related musculoskeletal disorders three years later?
A study on the dynamic pattern of upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders methodological aspects
Low back pain in the general population in France associations with occupational exposure socio-economic position in adulthood and level of education
Chatigny, C.
Development of indicators to describe the process of ergonomic interventions to prevent MSD
Chatzi, Leda
Prevalence and risk factors for low-back pain and other musculoskeletal symptoms in three occupational groups in Crete Greece
Chaumont Menendez, Cammie
A validation study of self-report symptoms surveys compared with clinical classification systems
The importance of including visual symptoms in computing-related upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms interventions and research
A field intervention replication of a non-randomized trial to reduce musculoskeletal symptoms
Chen, Bingyune
Ergonomic evaluation of an alternative tool for cake decorating
Chen, Cynthia
Changes in mechanical exposures among office workers
Cheng, Andy Shu-kei
Job coach model and workplace-based rehabilitation: biopsychosocial intervention for work-related musculoskeletal disorders of upper extremity
Cherniack, M.
Exposure assessment across studies: challenges and opportunities
Health outcomes assessment across studies: challenges and opportunities
Overview of consortium/design of NIOSH study
Design of Iowa study/design of Connecticut study
Skin temperature and muscle relative blood volume in the hand: are they correlated?
Chicoine, Denise
Work involving varied tasks: an ergonomic analysis process for work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) prevention
Chipchase, S
Providing a safer experience of manual handling in the bariatric patient journey
Cho, M.H.
Identification of tasks with musculoskeletal disorder risk in Korean wholesale/retail establishments
Cho, S.H.
Identification of tasks with musculoskeletal disorder risk in Korean wholesale/retail establishments
Cho, Sung-il
Direct and indirect effects of job insecurity through psychosocial and physical factors on musculoskeletal pain
Role of reward and control in stress-related musculoskeletal pain: combining two models of job stress
Choi, Bongkyoo
Direct and indirect effects of job insecurity through psychosocial and physical factors on musculoskeletal pain
Choi, Jaewon
Assessment of the risk of MSDs using time-based video analysis
Choi, Taesung
Application of participatory approach to small & medium sized enterprises for prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
Chourasia, Amrish
Changes in upper limb MRI and mechanical properties following short term power hand tool use
Chow, Yat
Evaluating the efficiency of exposure assessment methods: cost feasibility and overcoming challenges in the field
Longitudinal exposure assessments of low back posture in five heavy industries in British Columbia
Modeling determinants of low back EMG exposure in construction forestry transportation warehousing and wood product industries
Christensen, Hanne
The influence of biofeedback training sessions on trapezius muscle activity during normal computer work task
Cifuentes, Manuel
Development of an ergonomic job exposure matrix (JEM) for the healthcare sector
Global estimate of arthritis attributable to work by occupations: an analysis of the world health survey 2002-2003
International co-morbidity of low back pain and major depressive episode
Clarke, Andrew
Awareness of social context: a key competency for return-to-work facilitators
Clarke, Judy
Process and implementation of participatory ergonomics: reviewing the literature
Clemes, Stacy
What constitutes effective manual handling training? A systematic review of the literature
Coggon, David
Prevalence and risk factors for low-back pain and other musculoskeletal symptoms in three occupational groups in Crete Greece
Cole, Donald C.
Intensity of interventions for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
Changes in mechanical exposures among office workers
MSD prevention interventions initiated by the Québec compensation board (CSST): evaluation of natural intervention practices in work settings
Process and implementation of participatory ergonomics: reviewing the literature
Mechanical exposure information available in studies assessing the relationship between workplace factors and low back pain
Obstacles to collecting data for an individual participant meta-analysis of workplace factors and low back pain
Examining management commitment to participatory ergonomic interventions: a multiple case study analysis
Coleman, Jemma
Posture during tablet computer use by young children
Collins, John
Age and gender predisposition to musculoskeletal disorders: a study of the two-way interaction
Colombo, RCR
Quality of life: cultural adaptation of the Spitzer quality of life index
Comis, Paulo
A.O.R. Versus M.O.R.: an index to assess risks and establish limits of tolerance in repetitive and cyclic activities
Comtois, A.
Development of indicators to describe the process of ergonomic interventions to prevent MSD
Discomfort associated with the immobile standing position related to oxygen index and skin temperature
Cort, Joel
The effects of job rotational on trunk muscle activation
Costa-Black, Katia
Practical usage of ergonomic tools and methods during the rehabilitation of workers with low back disability
Cote, Julie
Effects of an intensive multimodal rehabilitation and work retraining program on psychosocial and postural characteristics of persons with whiplash-associated disorders
Whole-body adaptations to repetitive motion-induced arm fatigue
Côté, Daniel
Pain: one word with many meanings for workers during work rehabilitation
Côté, Pierre
Health care utilization for patients identified with occupational neck pain
The impact of early workplace-based return-to-work strategies on work absence duration: a 6-month longitudinal study following an occupational musculoskeletal injury
Cotrim, Teresa
Analysis of patient handling accidents in wards classified with MAPO index
Couillandre, Annabelle
Changes in EMG activity of upper trapezius and erector spinae muscles following variations in workstation design
The effects of varying workstation design on changes in posture and spinal loading
Coury, Helenice
Accuracy properties of flexible goniometer
Cousins, Michael
Resolving paradigm clashes between health providers and insurers
Coutarel, Fabien
Assessment of the interventions on sustainable prevention of musculoskeletal disorders: comparison of twenty companies
Ergonomics and epidemiology intervention and evaluation: how do the perspectives differ?
Couto, Hudson
A.O.R. Versus M.O.R.: an index to assess risks and establish limits of tolerance in repetitive and cyclic activities
Ergonomic screening questionnaire: its value as a proactive tool in the research of ergonomic risk
Coutu, Marie-France
Pain: one word with many meanings for workers during work rehabilitation
Couture, Vanessa
Discomfort associated with the immobile standing position related to oxygen index and skin temperature
Cowie, Helen
Coping with musculoskeletal pain at work
The effects of musculoskeletal pain on work performance
Crenshaw, Albert
Applying near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to assess muscular oxygenation during computer mouse use
Effects of low-load repetitive work on sensitizing substances and metabolism in the trapezius muscle of female pain subjects and controls -determined with microdialysis and near infrared spectroscopy
Creytens, Guido
A nation-wide project for early rehabilitation of low back pain workers: an implementation study
Croft, Peter
Individual and area level factors associated with work limitation in adults aged 50 to 75 with knee pain
Crombie, K.
Overview of consortium/design of NIOSH study
Cullen, Jennifer
Musculoskeletal disorders in trucking: results of Washington state surveys of truck drivers and trucking companies
Societal level interventions to reduce work-related injuries: what can be learned from Washington state?
Curti, S.
Marital status and in-hospital incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome in the general population
Occupational and personal factors for carpal tunnel syndrome: a longitudinal study of a large working population
Cutlip, Robert
Repetitive exposures of stretch-shortening cycles affects muscle performance differentially with age